
1.描写蓝鲸的英语句子 The whale is the life in the sea mammal. Some whale bodies very big,the bigges…


The whale is the life in the sea mammal. Some whale bodies very big,the biggest body is long may amount to 30 meters. Whale’s build likesthe fish, assumes 梭形. Forehead big, the eye is small, the helixcompletely degenerates. The pate is not obvious. The foreleg assumesthe fin shape, the latter extremity completely degenerates; The mosttypes carry on the back have the fin; The tail assumes the horizontalfin shape, is the main movement organ. Has the tooth or does not havethe tooth. The nostril one or two, open in the top of the head. Theadult whole body did not have the wool (to have many types only stillto preserve some wools nearby mouth). Under the skin has thick fat,may keep warm and reduce bodily the proportion. With the lung breath,namely dives into in the water after the water surface inspiration,may dive swims 10 ~ 45 minutes. Generally take the zooplankton, themollusk and the fish as the food. 胎生, the usual each embryoproduces a young, to the milk nurtures the young whale. But manyperson of minute it is the fish, in fact they are not the fish but arethe mammal. Distributes in the world various sea. The whale, the world various sea have the distribution. It is thewater roosts the mammal, with the lung breath, its type divides intotwo kinds, must the whale class, not have the tooth, has the whale tohave, nostril two, like 长须鲸, 蓝鲸, 座头鲸, 灰鲸 and soon; The toothed whales class, have the tooth, does not have the whaleto have, nostril, likes the sperm whale, 独角鲸, the killer whaleand so on. In the sea in the major part oxygen and the atmosphere 60%oxygen are floats the plant manufacture. Must the whale actually beable to extinguish floats plant’s powerful enemy – zooplankton.Moreover, the toothed whales also are helpful to the maintenance fishecological equilibrium. Toothed whales’ food is take the fish as thefood large-scale mollusk. Therefore in the world does not have thewhale, the humanity must perish.。


1、The blue whale is the largest animal ever to inhabit the Earth.Blue whales are found throughout the world’s oceans. These gentle giants have grayish-blue skin with light spots. Measuring 70 to 80 feet in length, blue whales can weigh as much as 90 to 150 tons, although females are larger than the males. 2、The blue whale is the largest mammal, possibly the largest animal, to ever inhabit the earth. Its body is long, somewhat tapered, and streamlined, with the head making up less than one-fourth of its total body length. Its rostrum (upper part of the head) is very broad and flat and almost U-shaped, with a single ridge that extends just forward of the blowholes to the tip of the snout. Its blowholes are contained in a large, raised “splash guard”, and the blow is tall and straight and over 20 feet (6 meters) high. Its body is smooth and relatively free of parasites, but a few barnacles attach themselves to the edge of the fluke and occasionally to the tips of the flippers and to the dorsal fin. There are 55-68 ventral grooves or pleats extending from the lower jaw to near the navel.。


1 Everyone has heard about whales. What a beautiful sight it must be to sea a whale. It is no wonder so many stories have been written about them. In years gone by, men sailed in ships that did not take them back to their homes for many years. Their job was to capture whales. They sold certain parts of the whales to people for different uses. The whale was valuable because it was not easy to get. Whaling is not a job for many people any more. We no longer need very much of anything from whales. There have been many stories written about whales. They are good stories to read because they always tell of adventure.To enjoy a story about whales it is a good idea to learn as much about them as you can. Aboard the whaling ship you would hear a man shout: “There she blows! Whale off the starboard bow!”The lookout on a whaling ship has sighted a spouting whale. All hands spring to their jobs. The harpooner takes aim with his gun and fires. There is a short fight. The whale is dead. Its body is taken aboard the ship. A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber. The thick fat, or blubber, under the whale’s skin protects the animal against cold waters. It is for the valuable oil in blubber that whales are hunted.翻译:人人都听说过鲸鱼。





欣赏有关鲸鱼的故事是一个好办法,可以让你尽可能多地了解到关于鲸鱼的知识。登上捕鲸船上你将听到一个水手的高喊:“它在那喷气!鲸鱼在右弦船头!” 捕鲸船上的了望者看到了一头正在喷气的鲸鱼。



一个水手带着工具,去剥离这条巨大的鲸鱼的鲸脂。 厚厚的脂肪,或者说是鲸脂,在鲸鱼的皮下用于保护它,去抵御寒冷的海水。

恰恰为了从鲸脂中获得有价值的油, 鲸鱼遭到捕猎。 2 Any of various aquatic, chiefly marine mammals of the order Cetacea, including the whales, dolphins, and porpoises, characterized by a nearly hairless body, anterior limbs modified into broad flippers, vestigial posterior limbs, and a flat, notched tail. 鲸目动物:鲸目动物中的一种水生动物,主要是海生哺乳动物,包括鲸、海豚和鼠海豚, 特征为身体几乎无毛、前肢变成宽大的鳍、后肢退化及尾扁平而分叉。

4.形容动物特点英语句子(猴子 大象 蓝鲸 鲨鱼 鳄鱼)

我知道Elephant animal totem If the United States is Turtle Island, a continent supported on the back of a turtle, then India would be Elephant Island, a continent supported on the back of an elephant. Throughout the centuries, Indian tradition dictated that all royalty the rulers of the land, be home on the backs of the children of the great beast that carried the world through space. The elephant was the totem animal of the god Shiva, the Destroyer, who seeks to banish illusion and to encourage a clearer perception of reality Shiva and his goddess-spouse, Radha, produced among their children the elephant-headed god Ganesha, who, as Lord of Ilosts, impregnated the virgin Maya to bring Buddha into flesh. Especially sacred in India was the white elephant, considered far too priceless to be used for work or warfare, but to be maintained by its owner in the finest of style. When we speak today of a “white elephant” purchase, we have realized too late that we have purchased an object at a price that exceeds its true value. Sometimes seen as a symbol of great sexual prowess in the Asian countries, the Chinese portray the elephant as representative of royalty, strength of purpose, and discretion. In the widest, most universal, and most obvious depiction of the elephant it is a symbol of strength. At various times in Medieval Europe, the elephant also became an emblem of wisdom, moderation, and eternity Then, accomplishing a complete change of cosmology, there appeared the elephant-headed demon, Behemoth, a favorite in Dark Side sorcery. If you have accepted the elephant as your totem animal, it may not be long before you are asked to assume a role of great responsibility in the workplace or in your community. If you feel attracted to the elephant as a totem animal, it is likely that you are involved in social work, public service, or politics. You may also feel a strong commitment to caring for the ill, the very young, and the elderly. Whenever you sense an injustice, you will be there on the side of the underdog. As your spirit helper, the elephant will be able to draw you back to a greater appreciation for the ancient mysteries than you have previously experienced. You will soon discover that your guide is extremely concerned about your maintaining always a solid balance of body, mind, and spirit. Under the tutelage of this spirit helper, you will place your time in the Silence as your top priority. You might find yourself wishing to burn some incense while you are meditating with this totem animal in order to help create an environment in which exploration of other higher levels of consciousness will be the rule, rather than the exception.。


Any of various aquatic, chiefly marine mammals of the order Cetacea, including the whales, dolphins, and porpoises, characterized by a nearly hairless body, anterior limbs modified into broad flippers, vestigial posterior limbs, and a flat, notched tail. 鲸目动物:鲸目动物中的一种水生动物,主要是海生哺乳动物,包括鲸、海豚和鼠海豚, 特征为身体几乎无毛、前肢变成宽大的鳍、后肢退化及尾扁平而分叉。



读音:英 [weɪl] 美 [weɪl]

n. 鲸

vi. 捕鲸

v. 打击


1、blue whale 蓝鲸

2、a school of whales 一群鲸鱼

3、gray whale 灰鲸

4、humpback whale 座头鲸


1、We may live to see the extinction of the whale.


2、The whale thrashed the water with its tail.


3、The blue whale is the world’s largest living animal.




读音:英 [sɪ’teɪʃn] 美 [sɪ’teɪʃn]

释义:n. 鲸类动物

adj. 鲸的;鲸类的

例句:The sperm whale is believed to dive deeper than any other cetacean .



读音:英 [‘fɪnbæk] 美 [‘fɪnˌbæk]

释义:n. 长须鲸;脊鳍鲸

例句:It’s similar to but smaller than the finback whale.


7.有关于 whale 英语作文

Whale is the biggest animal in the world, but Blue Whale is the greatest whale. As we all know, a bus is about 15 tons, but some Blue Whales are more than 100 tons. A bus could be 45 feet long, but some whales are about 100 feet long. Recently, the number of whales on the world is decreasing signally. We have the Protect them as one of our duties, for a better world.。

8.有关于 whale 英语作文

Whale is the biggest animal in the world, but Blue Whale is the greatest whale. As we all know, a bus is about 15 tons, but some Blue Whales are more than 100 tons. A bus could be 45 feet long, but some whales are about 100 feet long. Recently, the number of whales on the world is decreasing signally. We have the Protect them as one of our duties, for a better world。

