
1.形容友情的英语句子 The most precious of all possessions is a wise and loyal friend. True friendsh…


The most precious of all possessions is a wise and loyal friend. True friendship lasts for ever. Nothing is better than a loyal friend. Fire is the test of gold, aversity of friendship. A friend in need is a friend indeed. No better relation than a prudent and faithful friend. A brother is a friend given by nature. We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.。


Do you like, I also like; I like, you also like it.


You help me to find the light; Could you help me out of pain; You help me to solve difficulties.


Do you believe in me, I believe you; I believe you, you believe me. 你相信我,我相信你,我相信你,你相信我。

Like the same, the same, the same character, the same wound, the same experience, the same life, which is called fate.


You don’t abandon my saliva, you don’t care about my fault, you promised to me forever, you said you will always protect me and accompany me. With a close friend.





1、The best mirror is an old friend.


2、Between friends all is common.


3、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.


4、The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water.


5、Set great store by friendship.


6、Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.


7、Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times.


8、A friend in need is a friend indeed.


9、Old friends and old wine are best.


10、Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship.



A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。

Without a friend,the world is a wilderness. 没有朋友,世界成了荒野。 Friendship is like wine—the older the better. 友谊像美酒,越陈越醇厚。

A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二个自我。 A friend is best found in adversity. 患难识真友。


1、The best mirror is an old friend. 最好的镜子是老朋友。

2、Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。 3、A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。

4、The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water. 君子之交淡如水。 5、Set great store by friendship. 情意重千斤。

6、Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. 你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。 7、Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times. 你真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。

8、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 9、Old friends and old wine are best. 陈酒味醇,老友情深。 10、Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship. 烈火试真金,苦难试友情。

11、Friendship cannot stand always on one side. 友谊是双方的事。 12、A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 广交友,无深交。

13、Friendship is like wine—the older the better. 友谊像美酒, 越陈越醇厚。 14、Friends are like wine; the older, the better. 朋友象酒,越久越淳。

15、There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 最忠实的朋友莫过于一本好书 16、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 17、True friendship lasts forever. 真正的友谊恒久不变。

18、He who mistrusts most should be trusted least. 最不信任别人的人最不应该得到信任。 19、A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

20、A friend is not so soon gotten as lost. 交友慢,失友快。 21、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 在你最需要时出现 朋友上一真正的朋友。

22、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。 23、A frie nd is a second self. 朋友是另一个我。

24、Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。 25、A friend exaggerates a mans virtue, an enemy his crimes. 朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。

26、A friend is best found in adversity. 患难见真友。 27、One tree does not make a forest. 独木不成林。

28、To find friendship offer friendship. 以友谊换友谊。 29、A man is known by his friends. 什么人交什么朋友。

30、Life without a friend is death without a witness. 没有朋友的生活等于孤独一人死去。 31、A friend is never known till a man has need. 不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。



1. “The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.” – Hubert H. Humphrey


2. “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” – Helen Keller


3. “Friends are the siblings God never gave us.” – Mencius“


4. “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” – Thomas Aquinas


5. “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


6. “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – Walter Winchell


7. “Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.” – Khalil Gibran


8. “A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.” – Leo Buscaglia


9. “A friend is what the heart needs all the time.” – Henry Van Dyke


10.“One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.” – Euripides



1,In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty; In time of adversity, not one amongst twenty.


2,Thy friend has a friend and thy friend’s friend has a friend so be discreet.


3,A friend is never known till a man has need.


4,A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.


5,It’s joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.


6,From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you.


7,Although time and distance separate us, we still remember the purest friendship and blessing.


8,A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway.


8.求文档: 友情的英文祝福语

Friendship is the spiritual sustenance


A friend is a loving companion at all times.


It’s joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.


When I think of you the miles between us disappear.


From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you.


Although time and distance separate us, we still remember the purest friendship and blessing


Out blessings, a friend of all enrichment wishes!


You’re wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year.


This extra special “Bon Voyage” comes to you to say hope you sill enjoy your trip in every kind of way.




Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, some man fall in love with your smile.


A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.


To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.


Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last!


Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


I wish you great blessings and love


Let time prove this friendship


This is Forever Friendship


