
1.芒果 英语单词怎么写 mango 美 [‘mæŋɡoʊ];英 [‘mæŋɡəʊ] n.芒果 网络:王秀琳;芒果系统;芒果味复数:mangoes芒果:a …

1.芒果 英语单词怎么写

mango 美 [‘mæŋɡoʊ];英 [‘mæŋɡəʊ] n.芒果 网络:王秀琳;芒果系统;芒果味复数:mangoes芒果:a tropical fruit with smooth yellow or red skin, soft orange flesh and a large seed inside.例句: (1) I got to bed early due to my tummy was sick, may be the tropical fruit mangocause me painful? 我很早上床睡觉,由于我肚子病了,可能是热带水果芒果,引起了我的痛苦吗? (2)So, I look forward to this with the Green Mango on my little room, ready to recordit properly since the process of ripening. 于是,我满怀期盼地把这青芒果放在了我的小房间里,准备好好记录它自熟的过程。

(3) Others remembered the leader’s warning, but they thought this was just adifferent variety of mango tree. 另一些人想起队长的警告,可他们认为这只不过是另一种芒果树。 (4) Then two more lines come down, in spurts, like little spiders gliding down on threads from a branch of the mango tree in our yard. 那两句下来,加速,像小蜘蛛滑翔下来的一个分支线程来自于我们的院子里的芒果树。

芒果:芒果(学名:Mangifera indica),原产自北印度和马来半岛,喜欢高温、干燥的天气,营养生长期(根、茎、叶)最适合温度为24-30℃,气温降到18℃以下时生长缓慢,10℃以下停止生长,生殖生长期(花、果)需较高温度,以排水良好且含腐植质的砂质土壤最适宜,pH值5.5-7.5为佳。后引种改良,已遍及多个地方,其中十大芒果生产国家,以产量排名如下:印度、墨西哥、巴基斯坦、泰国、中国、印尼、菲律宾、海地、刚果。

2.芒果 英语单词怎么写

1. mango

美 [‘mæŋɡoʊ];英 [‘mæŋɡəʊ]



复数:mangoes2. 芒果:a tropical fruit with smooth yellow or red skin, soft orange flesh and a large seed inside.

3. 例句:


I got to bed early due to my tummy was sick, may be the tropical fruit mangocause me painful?


(2)So, I look forward to this with the Green Mango on my little room, ready to recordit properly since the process of ripening.



Others remembered the leader’s warning, but they thought this was just adifferent variety of mango tree.



Then two more lines come down, in spurts, like little spiders gliding down on threads from a branch of the mango tree in our yard.


4. 芒果:芒果(学名:Mangifera indica),原产自北印度和马来半岛,喜欢高温、干燥的天气,营养生长期(根、茎、叶)最适合温度为24-30℃,气温降到18℃以下时生长缓慢,10℃以下停止生长,生殖生长期(花、果)需较高温度,以排水良好且含腐植质的砂质土壤最适宜,pH值5.5-7.5为佳。后引种改良,已遍及多个地方,其中十大芒果生产国家,以产量排名如下:印度、墨西哥、巴基斯坦、泰国、中国、印尼、菲律宾、海地、刚果。


芒果的英文是mango,读音:英 [ˈmæŋgəʊ] 美 [ˈmæŋgoʊ] mango 词性:名词 释义:芒果;芒果树;泡菜。

复数: mangos mangoes [例句]:Peel, stone and dice the mango. 翻译:将芒果削皮、去核、切丁。 扩展资料1.I like to eat peach and watermelon, I like to eat mango and pineapple too. 我喜欢吃桃子和西瓜,我也喜欢吃芒果和菠萝。

2.Mango and pineapple are yellow. 芒果和菠萝是黄色的。 3.I am sorry, I only have mango juice and lemonade. 我很抱歉,我只有芒果汁和柠檬水。

4.They also bought watermelon and mango farms. 他们还收购西瓜和芒果农场。 5.Can honey eat together with mango? 蜂蜜能和芒果一起吃吗? 参考资料:百度翻译——芒果mango。

