
1.我是山姆英文影评 A Truly wonderful film that left you thinking and feeling for hours after walki…


A Truly wonderful film that left you thinking and feeling for hours after walking out of the cinema.

Michelle Pfeiffer is exact in her portrayal of the smart, rich, no-nonsense lawyer who realises how empty her luxurious and successful life is. As always she delivers an outstanding performance and reminds us of just how excellent and beautiful an actress she is.

Sean Penn is so believable that you forget that he doesn’t actually have anything wrong with him。he captures every emotion perfectly and instills all of that emotion in the audience. Penn is highly under rated in the world that is movies, as he shows with this Oscar potential performance.

The young actress who plays his daughter is amazingly mature in her acting, whilst always managing to capture the innocence of her youthfullness. On top of all that she is gorgeous. The combination of three excellent main actors combined with the supporting actors and the genuine theme and style of the film makes I am Sam an excellent and must see film. Truly Inspiring.

2.求 我是山姆的英文对白

Lucy: All you need is love. ——————————————————————————– Rita: Sam, I can go at least another nine rounds, but you got to let me in. ——————————————————————————– Lucy: [being observed] I want no other daddy but you. [turns to the glass] Lucy: [shouts] Did you hear that? I said I didn’t want any other daddy but him. Why don’t you write that down? ——————————————————————————– Rita: It’s like every morning I wake up and I FAIL! ——————————————————————————– Rita: Home. Phone Voice: Dialing office. Rita: HOME! Phone Voice: Dialing office. Rita: HOME, GODDAMN IT! Phone Voice: Dialing Dr. Sloan. ——————————————————————————– Sam: YOU’RE MY LAWYER! Rita: That’s right. Sam: OKAY! ——————————————————————————– Sam: You think what they think. Rita: It doesn’t matter what I think. It matters that we win. Sam: No, you think what they think. You think Sam can’t take care of Lucy! Rita: Sam, it doesn’t matter what I think! Sam: It matters to me! ——————————————————————————– Sam: You’re going a little faster than everybody else. I was wondering if you noticed that. ——————————————————————————– [Sam buys a “preowned” answering machine] Ifty: Yeah. It’s an outgoing message so I think you need to sound a little more outgoing. ——————————————————————————– Lucy: Daddy, did God mean for you to be like this or was it an accident? Sam: Ok, what do you mean? Lucy: I mean you’re different. Sam: But what do you mean? Lucy: You’re not like other daddies. Sam: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Yeah, I’m sorry. Lucy: It’s ok, daddy. It’s ok. Don’t be sorry. I’m lucky. Nobody else’s daddy ever comes to the park. Sam: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, we are lucky. Aren’t we lucky? Yeah! ——————————————————————————– [in Rita’s car] Rita: On the Porsche the door handle is a little hidden by that thingamajig, so if you’re having trouble finding it。

Annie: NO! Sam: Ok, I think maybe Annie’s not exactly ready to go yet. ——————————————————————————– Rita: Can you grasp the concept of manipulating the truth。 not lying, just a little tweak here and there? Sam: [thinks for a few seconds] No. ——————————————————————————– Sam: You don’t know what it is when you try, and you try, and you try and you never get there! ——————————————————————————– Sam: You’ve grown. Lucy: Have I? Sam: Yeah, ’cause your ears are bigger and your eyes are older. ——————————————————————————– Rita: Sam, I worry. I worry sometimes. Sam: Yeah。

do you worry that you did something wrong? Rita: No. I worry that I’ve gotten more out of this relationship than you. ——————————————————————————– Rita: It’s just。 I’ve never lost at anything. ——————————————————————————– Rita: Where is your father? Willy Harrison: Where do you think? ——————————————————————————– Rita: Now, Ms. Cossell, in all the time that you’ve known them, have you ever questioned Sam’s ability as a father? Annie: Never. Rita: Never? Annie: Never. Look at Lucy. She’s strong. She displays true empathy for people, all kinds of people. I know that you all think she’s as smart as she is despite him, but it’s because of him. Rita: So what you’re saying is you don’t worry about Lucy’s future? Annie: No, I do. Rita: Ah。

Annie: I worry all the time. I worry if they take Lucy away from her father they will take away an enormous piece of her, and I worry that she will spend the rest of her life trying to fill that hole. ——————————————————————————– Lucy: I won’t read the word! Sam: I’m your father and I’m telling you to read the word. Cause I can tell you to because I’m your father. Lucy: I’m stupid. Sam: You are not stupid! Lucy: Yes, I am. Sam: No, you are not stupid ’cause you can read that word. Lucy: I don’t wanna read it if you can’t. Sam: No, because it makes me happy! It makes me happy hearing you read. Yeah, it makes me happy when you’re reading. Lucy: [Lucy reads again] ——————————————————————————– Conner Rhodes: Are you a retard too? Lucy: No! Conner Rhodes: How do you know? Lucy: Because he told me. Conner Rhodes: But he’s a retard! Lucy: It takes one to know one. ——————————————————————————– [making fun of Lucy’s dad] Conner Rhodes: Sorry, Mr. Egg. —————–。


简介:Sam is a mentally handicapped patients, work at a Starbucks coffee shop. By chance, he was host to a homeless woman, and she gave birth to a daughter. However, the birth of daughter, mothers do not take French leave, throw down Sam’s and girls’s close friend. Sam’s daughter called Lucy, because he likes to listen to the Beatles, in particular of the Lucy in the sky with diamonds song. With the help of a group of friends with mental disorder, Sam is raising her daughter alone, although without a little mistake, quite happily. Lucy well growing up, not only beautiful and clever, although only 7 years old, her intelligence than Sam, Sam has been unable to cope with her daughter’s many problems. Cute Lucy in order not to let the father sad, deliberately accommodate the father’s level of intelligence, which is obviously not conducive to Lucy’s intellectual and emotional development. This special father and daughter caught the attention of social workers, they think Sam is not suitable for raising Lucy, Lucy away from him, found a normal person doing it for her adoptive mother. Sam shame that’s all lost their daughter, decided to hire female lawyer Rita to help him fight for custody. Rita while competent but a bit self-serving, concerned only with their own. At first, she felt that the case is not likely to win, and do not want to receive, just can’t stand colleagues to goad them, in order to prove to everyone that she is also concerned about social good, reluctantly took down. Than she expected, in contact with Sam and Rita Lucy by Sam deep, sincere, unconditional love, and realize that Sam and normal, right, and their daughter together. At the same time, in proceedings in the lawsuit, Rita has come to sort out his own life. For many years, she worked for ignoring his son and family, is Sam bring her reflection, into the arms of the family.。




“Beatles的Paul Mccartney写给John Leon的孩子的歌…他那首歌前面还写了’I love you I love you I love you I love youI love you’…朋友告诉我说如果没有这些话,那首歌就不会那样好听…”














































Gaximo abandoned, in a chance meeting was Fuzhujiao Claude. Corfu Luoluo justice for the adoption of adulthood

After him on the Notre Dame de Paris when the bell people. Although he is very ugly but also multiple disabilities, but different spiritual

Often noble and pure.

Bohemian long street girls Rafah. Esmeralda, and could sing and dance, naive beauty and carefully Namsoon

Thick. Dole Biaier poor young poet. Sweet Fruit watts accidental encounter with her, and in a more casual occasions become her name

Meaning husband.

Wang, deputy leader of the famous have always concentrate on the “priesthood” and suddenly one day enjoy the Bohemian girl

Dance, worry about doing everything possible to take her appropriation of her threats even a trap, and also this is not

Learn to play despicable means to deceive the use of his son Gaximo justice and more students Sweet Fruit watts. In any case it is also a glance

Esmeralda is not possession of criminal attempt to end they Qinshouba that cute girl into a gallows.

On the other hand, many private Gaximo also love the Bohemian girl. She was entrapment, the more skillfully Gaximo

Of the rescue, in a confined space, Notre Dame asylum the bell with a very simple and sincere feelings of comfort her –

Guarding her. When she once again at a critical time in the bell person to assist her, demonstrated extraordinary bravery and resourcefulness. And

When he inadvertently found themselves “Yifu” and the “benefactor” far up there on the gallows Looking at the girl and the Bohemian

Ningxiao like a demon, Gaximo more immediately to the hypocrisy that the final judgement Qingshouba Claude.

Corfu Luoluo from pushing up the sky Belfry, he threw the pieces.


All for one, one for all. 人人为我,我为人人。

—— [法] Dumas pére大仲马 Other men live to eat, while I eat to live. 别人为食而生存,我为生存而食。—— Socrates 苏格拉底 Love rules his kingdom without a sword. 爱,统治了他的王国,不用一枝利剑。

—— Herbert 赫伯特 We soon believe what we desire. 我们欲望中的东西,我们很快就信以为真。—— Chaucer乔叟 The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前的时分是最黑暗的。

—— Fuller 富勒 The longest day has an end. 最难过的日子也有尽头。—— Howell 贺韦尔 Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活而无目标,犹如航海之无指南针。

—— J. Ruskin 鲁斯金 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 手中的一只鸟胜于林中的两只鸟。—— Heywood 希伍德 One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。

—— Taverner 泰维纳 A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink. 一个人可以把马带到河边,但他不能令它饮水。 —— Heywood 希伍德 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。

—— Benjamin Franklin富兰克林 Beggars cannot be choosers. 行乞者不得有选择。—— Heywood 希伍德 First catch your hare. 首先必须捕获兔子,然后才能宰之。

—— Thackeray 萨克雷 Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it. 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。—— M. Moore 穆尔 A great man is always willing to be little. 伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物的。

—— R. W. Emerson 爱默生 Cowards die many times before their deaths. 懦夫在未死之前,已身历多次死亡的恐怖了。 —— Julius Caesar 凯撒 Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real. 但凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。

—— Jules Verne 凡尔纳 Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早睡早起使人健康、富裕又聪明。—— Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林 Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. 生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成。

—— T. Fuller 富勒 Goals determine what you are going to be. 目标决定你将成为为什么样的人。—— Julius Erving欧文 All human wisdom is summed up in two words ?C wait and hope. 人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个词 — 等待和希望。

—— Alexandre Dumas Pére大仲马(法国作家) It is not enough to be industrious, so are the ants. What are you industrious for? 光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。要看你为什么而勤劳。

—— H. D. Thoreau梭罗 You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of success. 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。—— Charles Chaplin卓别林。


Ben we are gonna get you that evidence我们会找到证据的­

We’ll prove once and for all what we can do 我们会证明我们的实力的,永远永远会证明给你们看­

We’ll give’em no choice 我们不会给他们留任何怀疑的余地­

Right this way sir 这边请­

We’re on the clock Speckles Do you copy 我们时间不多了,斯文克尔斯,听见了你?­

I read you 收到了­

The clock is ticking时间不多了 ­

.we are ten seconds ahead of schedule, because Blaster is a little hyped-up 我们比计划提前10s因为兴奋过了头­

We are clear我们安全了­

First mission jitters 第一次执行任务紧张罢了­

I’d follow you into a snarling park of Dobieman我愿意陪你赴汤蹈火­

Don’t drop a pellet 别流口水­

I’m cool我没事 ­

Getting no visual 没有发现目标­

–Hey,Huarez,you to the top.华雷丝,和你比谁先到位­

– -Ok .on you make . OK 你喊开始­

–Get set. go! 准备,开始(这时候喊开始的已经开始跑了才叫开始,然后,华雷丝说太不讲理了!)­

–That’s cold ­

The table’s set 一切安置好了!­

— You’re butts on fire你带着怒火开车! ­

–Yes, I’m !­

We are going off road ­

You look very sharp看起来很帅吗?­

If you want to stay alive, do not cross that line想活命的话 最好别越线!­

This might be a good time for a nap 小睡一会儿应该不错­

Ok, bring in it靠运气听我的。­

You drive me to this 你逼我的!­

I’m calling a hunger strike 我很饿耶!­

Come on soggy 快点­

Quick question小问题­

Bring down big, mama,with baby disease ­

Cook, we can gain access though that panel­

Ran for cover快找掩体­

I put my life on the line for you 我会为你冒生命危险­

