
1.英语礼貌用语80句 1. You look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)2. You did a good job. (你干得非常好3. We’r…


1. You look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)2. You did a good job. (你干得非常好3. We’re so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲4. I’m very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意5. This is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)【随口就说、但效果很好的表扬!】

6. You’re looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)【与众不同的表扬!】

7. You always know the right thing to say. = 8. You’re very eloquent.(你总是说话得体。)【高层次的表扬!】

9. Nice going! = You did a good job.(干得好!)【极其地道的表扬!】

10. The food is delicious.(好吃!)【最普通、但非常重要的表扬!】

11. Everything tastes great.(每样东西都很美味!)

12. Your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可爱。)【外国人绝对喜欢听的表扬!】 13. What an adorable baby!(多么可爱的孩子。)【只管大胆用!】

14. I admire your work. = 15. I respect your work.(我对你的工作表示敬意。)【世界通用!】

16. You’ve got a great personality.(你的个性很好。)【一个非常安全的表扬!】

17. You have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)【美国人极其喜欢的表扬!】

18. Your Chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。)【绝对和其他人不一样的表扬!】

19. Your English is incredible.(我真不敢相信你的英语。)【用了六星级形容词!】 20. You have a very successful business.(你的事业很成功。)【现代人非常喜欢听!】

21. You’re very professional.(你非常专业。)【专业化的表扬!】

22. Your company is very impressive.(你的公司给我留下深刻印象。)

23. You’re so smart.(你非常聪明。)

24. I envy you very much.(我非常羡慕你。)

25. Your wife is very charming.(你的妻子很有魅力!)

26. You two make a lovely couple.(你们真是天生的一对!)

27. You’re really talented.(你很有天赋。)

28. You look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。)

29. You have a good taste.(你很有品位。)

30. You look like a million dollars. = You look outstanding. = You look like a movie star.(你看上去帅呆了。)

Do you really mean it? 此话当真? Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。 It’s a deal.一言为定


1. Have a nice day~系列:类似的比如have a nice weekend, have a nice vacation, have a nice evening, have a nice dinner 。. 口语非常常用

2. After you. 让别人先走的,比如进电梯啥的。多用于口语。

3. I hope this email/mail/letter finds you well.启信佳。一般信件第一句。

4. Best wishes! 此致,信件最后一句

5. Please forward my kind regards to your family/XX. 祝福带给别人

6. Please feel free to contact me if there is anything I can do for you.有我能帮上忙,请随时和我联系。

7. Thank you for 。.. I sincerely appreciate your effort/help on this matter.

8. It is my great honor to meet/help you. 或者it is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk with you.此系列的,见到您/帮助您/有机会和您说话很荣幸。

9. I am so sorry for your loss. 或者I am so sorry to know that 。 就是听到别人不幸的消息表示遗憾和同情

10. I apologize for doing something。 做了某事而道歉

11. Look forward to seeing you.希望见到您

12. Please take my opinion into your kind consideration.请考虑一下我的意见。

13. May x rest in peace。 X去时了,希望它/他/她走的安详。。。最好这句用不到。


3.Hello. 您好。

4.Good morning! 早上好!

5.Good afternoon! 下午好!

6.Good evening! 晚上好!

7.You first, please! 您先请!

8.Can I help you? 我能帮助您吗?

9.What can I do for you? 我能为您做些什么?

10.Thanks! 谢谢!

11.You’re welcome. 不用谢。

12.It’s my pleasure. 我很乐意。

13.Hope you could help me. 希望您能帮助我。

14.Sorry. 对不起。

15.Sorry to trouble you. 对不起,麻烦您了。

16.Excuse me. 劳驾了

29.Have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快。

30.Goodbye! 再见!

l 感谢光临! Thank you so much for coming.

l 欢迎再来! Hope you’ll come again.

l 欢迎以后多来北京! Hope you’ll visit Beijing more often.

l 请留步,不用送了! I will see myself out, please.

l 多保重! Take care!

l 祝您一路平安! Have a nice trip!

l 愿为您效劳! At your service!

l 为…举行宴会/宴请 Host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of …

l 欢迎宴会 Welcome dinner

l 便宴 Informal dinn


英语礼貌用语的单词Hello! Hi!是”你好!” Goodbye!是”再见!”, Good night!道”晚安!”。

同学多日不见面,相见问好”How are you?”。 答语常用”I’m fine。

Thank you。”。

初次认识新朋友,握手问好”Glad to meet you。”。

打扰别人问问题,开口先说”Excuse me。 “。

别人关心帮助你,感谢用语”Thank you。”。

致谢用语要牢记,That’s OK。”没关系。

“。 有了过错表歉意,I’m sorry。


客人来访把门开,Please come in。 英语文明礼貌用语l 感谢光临! Thank you so much for coming。

欢迎再来! Hope you’ll come again。 欢迎以后多来北京! Hope you’ll visit Beijing more often。

请留步,不用送了! I will see myself out, please。 多保重! Take care! l 祝您一路平安! Have a nice trip! 愿为您效劳! At your service! 为…举行宴会/宴请 Host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of … 欢迎宴会 Welcome dinner l 便宴 Informal dinn ###。

Good Wishes 祝愿用语 1。 Good Luck!祝你顺利(祝你好运)! 2。

All the best!祝你万事如意! 3。 Have a good trip! 旅途愉快! 4。

Wish you a success!祝你成功! 5。 Have a good day! 祝你今天开心! 6。

I hope to see you soon。我希望不久见到你。

7。 Congratulations! 祝贺(你)!/恭喜! 8。

Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 9。 I wish you the best of health! 祝你身体健康! 10。

Long live our friendship! 愿我们友谊长存! 12。 Would you please do me a favor? 能帮我个忙吗? 13。

Would you please give me a hand? 帮我个忙好吗? 14。 What can I do for you? 您需要什么帮助? 15。

Can(May)I help you? 我可以帮你吗? 英文礼貌用语例句: 1。 I thought you were needing me, Mr。


(用过去时表示礼貌); 2。 May I come in, please?(用情态动词表示礼貌); 3。

Every piece of luggage has to be examined through。 (用被动式表示礼貌);等等。

礼貌用语的运用: Can you pass me。

? vs Give me。

人们不喜欢别人支配他们去做事情,因此有时想直接得到你想要的可不是那么简单。 换掉那些听起来是命令的语句,例如”Give me the newspaper”,而使用”Can you pass me the newspaper?” Could you give me five minutes? vs Go away。


当你工作非常紧张而不能做其他的事情的时候,只说”Go away”肯定是不合适的。

取而代之,使用以下的短语就能让每个人都觉得愉快了”Could you give me five minutes? Excuse me。 vs Move。

让别人”Move out of the way”听起来特别的粗鲁而且这样说很可能会得到别人拒绝。下一次有人挡了你的路,你可以说”Excuse me”这样就能避免不愉快的情况出现而得到你期待的结果! 。


1 Afer you. 您先请2 Mind your steps. 慢走 / 请你走好。

3 I’m glad you like it. 很高兴你能喜欢。(别人夸奖你送的礼物,做的菜时用)4 I can’t thank you enough. 不知怎么谢你5 This way, please. 这别请6 Bless you.上帝保佑 (别人咳嗽时用)7 Excuse me (自己咳嗽,或要出去,准备接电话时用)8 I didn’t mean it. (我不是这个意思,没打算。)

道歉或解释某事9 would you like to。.你愿意。


做某事10 could you。 请人帮忙时用。



1. Good morning.

2. Good afternoon.

3. Happy birthday.

4. Happy Children’s Day!

5. Happy New Year!

6. Merry Chirstmas!

7. Happy Anniversary!

8. Long life and happiness!

9. Good evening.

10. Have a good day!

11. Have a good time!

12. Enjoy yourself.

13. Sorry to hear that.

14. Excuse me.

15. Please sit down.

16. Your ticket, please.

17. Take your time.

18. Enjoy the trip.

19. Have a nice trip.

20. Good luck.


Being polite is a good tradition in our country.Nobody likes a person who is impolite.It ‘s important for us to be polite.We should be a polite student.

As a polite student,we shouldn’t talk at class. If we have questions,we should put up our hands.We also shouldn’t speak loudly during the break. And I think it’s impolite to be late for class.When someone is in trouble ,we shouldn’t laugh at them.We should often say “please”,”thank you”.

If everyone is polite to others,the world will be more and more beautiful.





