
1.两人对话 每人十句 英语 带翻译 标题 初一水平 购物英语对话 A: Could you tell me how much it is? (您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?) B…

1.两人对话 每人十句 英语 带翻译 标题 初一水平

购物英语对话 A: Could you tell me how much it is? (您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?) B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500. (500美元左右。

) A: That’s way too much money. (价格太贵了。) B: We can make dow by model. (我们可以根据型号给予优惠。)

A: We have to ask for another price reduction. (再给我们优惠点儿吧。) B: You can fourget about another cut. (不能再降价了。)

A: How much are you asking for this? (这个多少钱?) B: I’m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right? (每件10欧元,您看怎么样?) A: Is tax already included in ther price? (这个价位含税吗?) B: Yes. Our price can’t be matched. (是的。我们的价格无人可比。)

A: Would you consider a volume discount? (批量购进可以再优惠吗?) B: If you buy 1000 or more, you’ll get a 10% discount. (如果您能购进1000件以上我们就可以优惠10%。) A: I’ll accept your offer. (好的,我接受。)


Good morningA”Good morning!早上好B”Good morning!早上好A”How do you do?B”How do you doA”Excuse me.What’s your name?请问你叫什么名字?B”Mg name is。

我叫。A”Nrce to meet you!很高兴见到了你!B”Nrce to meet you too!也很高兴见到了你!A”How ane you?你身体好吗?B”I”m frne thanRs,And you?我很好.你呢?A”I”m OK=I “m frne,too!我也很好。

3.急求一段英语两人对话 不少于10个来回 20个句子 速度来

奥运英语情景对话:采访球员A: Hi, Jim. I’m writing a book about basketball. Can you give me some information?A: 嗨,Jim. 我正在写一本关于篮球的书。你能给我讲些篮球知识吗?B: With pleasure! What do you want to know?B: 非常乐意。你想了解些什么呢?A. How long have you been playing basketball?A 你打篮球多久了B. Exactly it is been years .I have been playing it since I was a little childB. 确切地说有很多年了,我从很小时就一直在打篮球A: Can you tell me how many kinds of screen are there?A: 你能告诉我有几种掩护吗?B: There are five: forth screen, back screen, side screen, stationary screen and moving screen.B: 有五种,即前掩护、后掩护、侧掩护、定位掩护和行进间掩护。A: And how many kinds of press are there?A: 那紧逼有几种呢?B: There are three kinds: full court press, half-court press and zone press. Others are one-man-press and two-man-press.B: 有三种:全场紧逼、半场紧逼及区域紧逼。除此之外,还有一人紧逼和双人紧逼。A: I knew your team broke through the Shanghai team’s half-court press.A: 我知道你们球队打破了上海队的半场紧逼。B: That’s right. Our team won.B: 对啊,我们队赢了。A: Congratulations!A: 祝贺你们!

4.两人英语情景对话 安慰(对话要多于十句)

A Hi Bob, are you all right? You look quite disturbed to me.

B Well, I’m all right I guess.. it’s just that..

A Don’t worry, you can tell me what’s going on, maybe I can help you out.

B Well, I just broke up with my girlfriend.

A Really? I’m sorry to hear that. So how come you broke up with her?

B You see, she wanted to get married with me, but I wanted to find a job first.

A Aww, that’s so sad to hear. So she couldn’t wait until you get a job?

B I guess not, that’s why we broke up.

A Well, look on the bright side, you should focus on finding a nice job right now, and maybe afterwards you can get back with your girlfriend. If that doesn’t work out, then I’m sure you’ll find a better girl.

B Yeah, I guess so, thanks for comforting me.

A No problem, I hope you’ll feel better.


the sound of rain beating on the tightly drawn hides covering the small hut

解释下这句话。尤其是 tightly drawn hides covering the small hut这句

解答:该句话的中心词是:THE SOUND ,声音意思,后面一长串都是用来修饰该词的

中心词:the sound (声音)

中心词定语(1)of rain beating on the tightly drawn hides


定语(2)covering the small hut (这是个现在分词作后置定语修饰hides)(遮盖小茅屋的)


6.英语口语情景对话,两个人的对话, 每个人不少于10句话

A hi,~打招呼

B how are you 之类的话,自己寒暄几句,正文 what is your favorite season?

A My favorite season is summer. I love summer.

B oh,why do you like it?

A because,There is no school.it is summer holiday,

B haha ,yes, i like holiday ,too.

A and also It’s warm. The sun sets late. You can sit on your balcony and drink a beer and barbecue. I just think it’s fabulous. My least favorite then obviously is winter, because the sun goes down early, you can’t go on your balcony and relax, it’s freezing cold, and it’s just not an enjoyable season at all.and what is your favorite season

B well,My favorite season is winter, because there’s a lot of snow, and it’s cold outside, and it’s just beautiful. When the countryside is covered with snow, it’s just perfectly white,

A okay,……

B and I think that’s amazing. Also, I love to build snowman, have snowball fights with my friends, so that is definitely my favorite season. My least favorite season is summer, because it’s too hot. I really don’t like the heat.


7.英语两人情景对话 多于10句 少于15句 急求

Women:W Men:MM: Ouch!W: Honey. What’s up?M: All the hard ware suddenly adheres to my body. W: any injuries?M: A bottle opener hurts my head. Oh, ouch. W: I am so sorry to hear that. Do you wearing a magnetic therapy collar with you? M: yes. W: I told you it was a stupid idea to work through the hardware store when you’re wearing that ware a magnetic therapy collar.M: I just forgot; please help me to get them off.W: Ok. Be careful next time. M:Ok。


Hi, Sweetie!嗨, Sweetie!Hi, Winni! What’s up?嗨, Winni! 怎么了?Nothing special, hey, you changed hairstyle!没什么特别的啦,喂,你换了发型啊?How do you feel?你觉得怎么样?That looks great! 看起来很不错!Thank you.谢谢Where did you have your hair waved?你在哪烫的头发啊?It is a beatuty salon near my home, My mother took me there last Satdurday. There are also many stores nearby.在我家附近的一家美发沙龙弄的,上周六我妈带我去的。

那附近还有很多商店。Did you buy something?你买了什么吗?Yes, my monther brought me a new school bag, it is very cute.我妈给我买了个新书包,好可爱的!Can I have a look?能给我看看吗?Sure, look, here it is.当然了,看,就是这个。

Wow。. it is so nice, I will ask my mother to buy me one as well!哇,好漂亮啊。

我也要让我妈给我买一个!Hey, time’s up! Let;s hurry to school!喂,快到点啦,赶紧去学校吧!OK! Let’s go!好,走。


6.B:welcome to Bejing!A:It`s a beautiful city! I think i will lose a chance to know China without this business.B:I`m glad to show you around if you need.A:Thanks.It`s nice of you.B:My preasure.A:My friends told me that chinese food is delicious,and are these any nice food?B:Of course.Peking Duck,you kbow it i think.A:Yes,yes.It`s famous and it sounds well.B:For more we have dumplings which is necessary for our Spring Festival.A:I know it. Anything else?B: Yes, such as Goubuli bum of Tianjing 、Sliced noodles of Wuhan、Soybean milk..A:That`s attractive.I can`t waitting to tase them , you know it`s time for lunch isn`t it?B:That`s ture! just go for the delicious food .。

