
1.礼节,中英文怎么表达“想上厕所” Nature calls me. Can you spare me a few minutes. May I be execused、便利),…


Nature calls me. Can you spare me a few minutes. May I be execused、便利),go and see one’s aunt是俚语,常用于英国英语 2。

女性则可以微笑着询问“Can I add some powder? (我可以茶点粉吗?)”还可以使用to freshen up( 梳洗打扮)、to fix one’s face(修饰面部)、to powder one’s nose(给鼻子搽粉)等、to get some fresh air(去呼吸一点新鲜空气)”等等、to go to the washroom(去洗手间)、to do one’s needs(做要做的事)、to wash one’s hands(洗手)、natural necessary(需要,常用的委婉说法有:“to go to the restroom(去休息间).I would like to powder my nose; I wonder if I could go somewhere. 3.heed /answer the call of nature 跟中文的“三急”有相似点、to answer the call of nature(响应大自然的号召)、to ease oneself (自我轻松一下)? 补充:英语中表达上厕所之时、to use the bathroom(使用浴室)、to go somewhere(到什么地方去一下)1.“go to the can” 和 “go to the john” 是口语当中用的方式。



也就是要表达 笑话太精彩了,让人上厕所忘了时间

Just taking a dump? No!

It’s actually a lovely head trip!

Don’t forget to get yourself up!




// take a dump v 大号 或者可以用 going to John 也是上厕所

head trip 精神享受



Could you tell me how to get to 。

How can I get to 。

How much is 。






“上厕所”英文翻译是:Use the toilet。



英 [ju:s] 美 [ju:s]



例句:What does he use for picking up groceries?



英 [ðə] 美 [ðə]


例句:The heat was getting to be too much for me。



英 [ˈtɔɪlət] 美 [‘tɔɪlət]


例句:Every flat has its own bathroom and toilet。





英 [ˈlævətri] 美 [ˈlævətɔ:ri]


例句:On this floor there are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a lavatory。



英 [ˈwɒʃru:m] 美 [ˈwɑ:ʃru:m]


例句:In my new school you can go to the washroom whenever you like. I like this rule。




A person to go abroad before, should be more understanding of the motherland.旅行虽颇费钱财,却使你懂得社会。A journey is a lot of money, but it makes you understand the society.自己的旅行,其实正在这个城市里缓缓进行着,在自己的生命中慢慢萌芽出一些属于自己的事物。

Their own travel, in fact, is slowly in the city to carry out, in their own life slowly budding out of some of their own things.旅行就是,即使是同一个世界,你们发现的却是不一样的世界。Travel is, even if it is the same world, you find the world is not the same.一场奋不顾身的爱情,一段说走就走的旅行。

梦在远方。A section of love regardless of personal danger, go to travel. Dream in the distance.旅行的理由不需要阐述太多,一个字就可以概括全部:走。

The reason for travel does not need to elaborate too much, one word can generalize all: go.那个梦想中的自己,那个曾经丢失的自己,那个豁然开朗的自己。然后在世界的某个地方相聚,开怀。

关于旅行的英文语录21、我们像旅人那样走向目的地;世界是客栈,死亡是旅行的终点。We like that travelers to the destination; the world is the inn, death is the end of the tour.2、旅游的作用就是用现实来约束想像:不是去想事情会是怎样的,而是去看它们实际上是怎样的。

The role of tourism is to use reality to constrain the imagination: not to think about how things will be, but to see what they are actually.3、没有知识的旅行者是一只没有翅膀的鸟。A traveler without knowledge is a bird without wings.4、这次旅行有点不同,是一次期限可以无限延长的远征,是凶多吉少的冒险,是追赶能像敲碎核桃壳一样撞沉一艘二级战舰的动物。

The trip point is different, is a time period may be extended indefinitely expedition is slash adventure, is to catch up to as sank a ship frigate animal like a walnut shell.5、旅行对我来说,是恢复青春活力的源泉。Travel for me, is the source of the recovery of youth.6、真理的旅行,是不用入境证的。

The truth of the trip, is not the entry permit.7、一个正在旅游中的家庭,有许多机会同别国人民的家庭接触。“人民访问人民”正是提供了这样的一种机会。

A family that is traveling in the family, has many opportunities to contact with other people’s family. “People’s access to the people” is to provide such a chance.8、人之所以爱旅行,不是为了抵达目的地,而是为了享受旅途中的种种乐趣。People love to travel, not to reach their destination, but to enjoy the pleasure of the journey.9、一个真正的旅行家必是一个流浪者,经历者流浪者的快乐、诱惑和探险意志。

旅行必须流浪式,否则便不成其为旅行。A true traveler is a tramp, tramp experience joy, temptation and adventure will. A journey must be a wandering, or it will not be a journey.10、山色不厌远,我行随处深。

Can I be far mountains, deep.11、旅游使智者更智,愚者更昧。Travel makes a wise man better, more ignorant fools.12、我非常喜欢旅游。

到现在去过13个国家,28个城市。I like traveling very much. To now have been to 13 countries, 28 cities.13、旅游使智者更慧,愚者更昧。

Tourism makes a wise man more wisdom, more ignorant fools.14、旅行是一个浪漫却不乌托邦的臆想。我从接触旅行至此,从未停止过对它幻觉般的依恋。


Travel is a romantic but not utopian imagination. I’ve traveled so far and have never stopped to have an illusion of attachment. Travel is also an extreme word. My first trip in my life was to take an air conditioned bus ride from the terminal to the terminal and sit by the window in a constant position by the window.15、从不出门的人,必定是满腹偏见。Never go out, must be full of prejudice.16、行路多者见识多。

On seeing much more.17、谁出门远游既有补于自己又有益于他人,谁就堪称哲人;然而谁只是受着好奇心的驱使而在外一个国家一个国家地游玩,那和流浪又有何二致。Who out travel is a complement for themselves and beneficial to others, who is called a philosopher; however who just by curiosity and in a national of a state visit, the wandering and what caused by.18、不登高山,不知天之高也;不临深溪,不知地之厚也。

Don’t climb the mountain, do not know how high the sky is; not a deep river, I do not know of the thick.19、在远天底下,有许多我迟早要去,也终必能去的地方——我摆脱不了在心灵中流浪,又要在天地间流浪的命运的诱惑。Under the sky, there are many sooner or later, I had to go, in the end will be able to place — I can’t get rid of in the mind wandering, but also in between heaven and earth the fate of wandering temptation.20、一个人在旅游时必须带上知识,如果他想带回知识的话。

A 。


可以用下洗手间吗? 我要去厕所方便一下! 我要尿尿! Going to the toilet or is it the lavatory or the loo? 在这里要和大家讲的英语单词,恐怕在老师那里学不到,甚至在书本上也难找到。

因为即使是老外,说到自己的身体和从身体排出的东西时也难免难为情。但实际上这些都是生活当中的常用语,你不仅应该了解它们的含义和如何使用它们,而且还应该知道在哪些场合避免使用这些词语! (以下以英国英语为准) 洗手间里的器具名称(English for plumbers) press the handle 按下把手冲水,如果是拉绳那种则是 pull the train lift/put down the lid/seat 掀起(放下)马桶盖(座垫) If the pan is full and won’t empty, it’s blocked 马桶堵啦! If you can’t flush the cistern it doesn’t work 如果冲不了水,好臭啊! 其它有关词汇 urinal 小便池,男人用的! bidet 坐浴盆,但传说英国人用它来洗脚 chamber pot (pot) 痰盂、便盆、尿壶。

以前中国老百姓家里很常见,一般都摆在床下,搪瓷做的。 小孩用的叫potty. commode 带椅子的便盆,供病人和老人用 厕所该怎么说? the toilet 正规,对陌生人使用 the loo 在家里和朋友之间用。

the lavatory 过时的说法。 半官方的语气: “Do not use the lavatory while the train is standing in the station.” the lav 儿童用语 据社会学家调查,上流社会多用lavatory, 中产阶级用toilet,两种人都用loo。

但没有人知道下层劳动者用什么词汇,也许对于穷人来说,在家里有一间带马桶的厕所也是奢望。 WC (water closet) 只能对水管工人、建筑工人和建筑师说 the bogs 这是学校里的男孩(大概比较调皮)和那些没教养的人说的 the heads 小船或者军舰上的厕所 the shithouse 这也是没教养的人说的 the privy 户外的厕所。

很老的说法了,Shakespeare天天说的,但现在用就不好了。有教养的女士叫它smallest room 或者the powder room 最有意思的词是在英帝国时代的—the Thunder Box. 如果你在外观光或者购物时,尿急了想方便一下,最好找写着PUBLIC CONVENIENCES的牌子。

在机场、火车站或者汽车站会有TOILETS的标志。在些老式的公共场合,你会看到LADIES和GENTS (gentlemen)的牌子。

有些人—通常是老人、有礼貌的女士,不用上面这些词,他们这样说: I’m just going to wash my hands. I have to powder my nose. 不管是男是女,一个流行的说法就是: I’m going to spend a penny. 当然,自从上公共厕所要花钱了,才有这种说法。 作为英语老师,都希望学生们谈吐优雅,所以在教室里、考试的时候你应该记得这样说: Excuse me. Can I go to the toilet (loo), please? 如果你在别人的家里或者办公室: Can I use your loo (toilet), please? 如果你不知道厕所在哪里:Where’s the loo (toilet)? 在大街上:Excuse me. Is there a public toilet (not loo) round here, please? 前置词 You are in the loo/toilet —in 意味着你在里面 on the loo/toilet — on意味着你实际上已经就座了 Men stand in front of a loo/toilet to pee — 千万要in front of,否则就是随地小便了。

================= 这样一则笑话:一个外宾想上厕所,便对翻译说:“I wonder if I can go somewhere?”(我可以方便一下吗?)而翻译却把somewhere误解为“某处”,因而回答道“Yes, you can go anywhere in China.”(行,中国你哪儿都可以去。)外宾不禁愕然。

可见,如不了解英语中“厕所”的一些表达法是会误事的。 1.Public lavatory意为“公厕”,在公共场所,厕所门上都标有Gent’ s(男厕),或Ladies’ (女厕),有时也标有Men’ s, Men’ s room, Gentleman’ s, Women’ s Women’ s room.如:Where is the Gent’ s?(厕所在哪儿?)If you would like a wash, the Gentleman’ s is just over there.(如果要上厕所,男厕就在那边。)


例如:I wonder where the toilet is.(我想知道厕所在哪儿。) 3.lavatory是个客气的词,但不如toilet常用。

4.bathroom是书面语。 5.loo是一个口语词,在英国用得很普通,主要指私人住宅中的厕所。

如:Excuse me, would you like to tell me where the loo is?(请问,厕所在哪儿?) 6.powder room是美语,女士常用。如:I would like to powder my nose.就表现了美国人的幽默。

7.wash room, washing room, westroom常用于美国英语。 8.W.C.是water closet的缩写,常用于英国英语,表示“有抽水没有设备的厕所”,有时也可用手势表示,即拇指和食指圈成圆,其他三指向上,模仿成英文W和C的形态。

9.John是俚语。如:Last night I went to visit John twice.(昨晚我去了趟厕所。


美国人常在自家浴室中放一台称体重的小磅秤,客人要上厕所,会拐弯抹角地问主人,”磅秤在哪儿?”或说” 我想称称自己有多重。 ” (I want to weigh myself)女性则可婉转地问”哪儿可以补点(化妆)粉?” (Where can I add some powder?)不少英美人还爱说”哪儿可以洗洗手?” (Where can I wash my hands?)或”我要到某个地方去”(I’m going somewhere.)等等。

在英美,一般人忌讳说W.C. (W.C指厕所,W.C是Water Closet的缩写,意为水箱,当你动动脑筋,想想?W.C里的抽水马桶等设备时,就能理解为什么,厕所也叫W.C了), 要询问别人 “厕所在哪里”时,常委婉地说 “Where can I wash my hands? ” “Where is the restroom? ”如果是女的可以说 “Where is the powder room?” 或更含蓄地说“I’m going to pick some flowers.” 公厕还有Toilet(厕所); Wash Room(洗手间); Bath Room (洗澡间). 常见的标志有Lavatory (厕所) Men’s Room, Gentlemen, Men (男厕) Ladies’ Room, Ladies, Women (女厕)等. 美国的公厕往往不在路上建筑物内,而是在汽车加油站,在市内,可以到旅馆,); Bath Room (洗澡间). 常见的标志有Lavatory (厕所) Men’s Room, Gentlemen, Men (男厕) Ladies’ Room, Ladies, Women (女厕)等. 美国的公厕往往不在路上建筑物内,而是在汽车加油站,在市内,可以到旅馆,咖啡馆或剧院借用,公厕一般要收费.


I have to call the nature或者I have to sing




