
1.英语手抄报:足球运动员精神的英文小故事 The game into stoppage time, Doncaster player in midfield near the s…


The game into stoppage time, Doncaster player in midfield near the sideline throw out of bounds ball, just after the astragal Forrest directly recorded a Bigfoot, the ball crossed the berry goalkeeper fell into the goal.

If only the ball flight path and shooting technique, this is a beautiful goal. However, the “goal” after the Tang Custer players did not celebrate. Instead, Forester continues to speak with Berri’s players, his body language is very clear, he this “goal” is not intentional.

Originally, before the goal Berri players injured, they put the ball out of bounds. In accordance with the rules of engagement, don Custer should be in soon after the match resumed the ball right back to Berri. Forrest’s feet, just want to put the ball back to the opponent, only that he did not think, this time he passing into a perfect shot, directly compromised the opponent’s goal.

Tang Dikov, the head coach Custer, went into the field, and he suggested to the referee to cancel the goal because it was “a mistake.””. But the referee dismissed his request, after all, the goal is true and effective. After consultations, Dickov requires a player is not in the kick-off after the defense, so field appeared berry striker Clark from the centre circle directly to belting the ball into the goal of the scene.

“In that case, if we get 3 points, we are not right. So I didn’t want to, we decided to allow them to equalize.” After the game, Dikov spoke of his decision.

Berry coach Vliet Croft of Dickov praised, “Dickov aboveboard sports spirit has improved the status of football, if there is no competition morals, football also is not football the. I’m going to show Dikov the greatest respect.”


Early 2014, in the Georgian Premier League Dinamo Tbilisi against Bernt west of Zion game, Dinamo Tbilisi player Francisco in midfield been kicked, he painfully kneel on the floor, West Bernt Zion player immediately kicked the ball out of bounds. Soon after the match resumed, teammates throw out of bounds ball Sisko understatement feet ready to kick the ball back to the goalkeeper, did not expect the ball directly goalkeeper head into the goal. Francisco quickly motioned, he was not intentional.

Subsequently, not Dinamo Tbilisi team defense, see Bernt west of Zion players put the ball all the way from the centre circle with the goal.

The spirit of fair play, but in how to make up for the fault, we each have their own way.

July 2013, in the north of the modern and south of the K League, the whole North modern players were injured, south of the city and the ball kicked out. Soon after the match resumed, north of modern this the ball right to return to the opponent, but full North modern Lee Dong gook ball with two steps and then feet hanging the ball towards the goal, the ball into the net as a wave in the world. After the goal, Li Dongguo quickly to indicate that they are not careful. But the South and the players are excited, both sides had been pushed the conflict.

Later, after the referee’s coordination, the whole North Hyundai agreed to return to the South and a goal, but the way is to pass the ball back to the goalkeeper to kick into their own door.

After the game, the whole North modern on the official website for their players point praise, they think that in this way to make up for the fault, the maintenance of the club’s honor.


塔 后防核心内斯塔 擅长助攻科斯塔 点球大师保来塔 擅长盘带伊基塔 蝙蝠前锋米斯塔 能力全白J.文塔 高龄门将巴洛塔 还有科斯塔库塔 一: 中国足球第一怪,足协头头瞎指派。

带出一帮熊熊兵,不如回家练女排! 中国足球第二怪,教练带头耍无赖。 反正我有铁饭碗,你说下台就下台? 中国足球第三怪,四五一阵可真帅。

一个傻冒前头冲,人过去了球不在。 中国足球第四怪,前锋不往门里踹。

进球没有后卫多,破门非把低烧带。 中国足球第五怪,中场队员象老太。

刚过中圈就抡腿,滋溜一声上看台。 中国足球第六怪,后卫队员真慷慨。

专给敌人送大礼,一个不够咱再来。 中国足球第七怪,电视评论真厉害。

满口吐出全是屎,大嘴能把球侃败。 中国足球第八怪,几何学得真不坏。

中场挤成一坨坨,后卫站成一排排。 中国足球第九怪,保平争胜不忘怀。

只要还有遮羞布,咱们总是好交代。 中国足球第十怪,我衰你也别自在。

出不出线不要紧,只要日本也死菜。 中国足球十一怪,混混也能打联赛。

又捞房子又泡妞,养出一帮阿斗来! 中国足球十二怪,领先场面真难耐。 缩成龟龟一小团,等着别人慢慢宰。

中国足球十三怪,场场进球遭淘汰。 世界杯上有几队?好歹也是一号外! 中国足球十四怪,魔法变得真精彩。

进来四只小天鹅,做成烤鸭搞外卖。 中国足球十五怪,智囊气势真豪迈。

一个教练一个兵,不如自己来一台! 中国足球十六怪,教练心思你别猜。 输球就是没体会,抱歉您就多担待。

中国足球十七怪,好象总欠敌人债。 去趟厕所丢四球,简直是还高利贷。

中国足球十八怪,越输越能逗人爱。 捧着一个大鸭蛋,送给足协新一代! 二: 歌:腿太软 你总是腿太软 腿太软 空自一堆人和球到前 你无怨无悔的爱着那个杯 我知道你根本没那么坚强 你总是腿太软 腿太软 把所有体力都耗在上半场 领先当然简单 想赢太难 不是你的 就别再勉强 (白)球迷啊: 夜深了你还不想睡 你还在想着赢吗? 你这样痴情到底累不累 明知他不会给你安慰 只不过想好好看场比赛 可惜他无法为你得分 多余的牺牲他不懂取胜 你应该不要痴想那一座杯 哦算了吧 就这样忘了吧 一比就输 再想也没有用 傻傻地等 再等也冲不出来 你还为自己想什么未来 三: 吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸,踢不好足球说球不圆, 射不进球门说门太扁,赢不了对手说心太软。

去南方踢球说天太暖,去北方踢球说地太寒, 去东方踢球说菜太咸,去西方踢球说饭太甜。 看球的多了说心里烦,看球的少了说情绪懒, 记者们来了说别添乱,老板们来了说快给钱。

冲不出亚洲说地有坎,去不了巴黎说路太远, 批评起球员说尽弱点,批评起球迷说根太浅。 我要说: 请给咱中国留点脸, 请给咱中国挣点脸, 请给咱中国露点脸, 请让咱中国扬一回脸! 四: 进攻基本靠走; 传球基本靠瞅; 停球基本靠手; 过人基本靠吼; 防守基本靠搂; 射门基本没有; 门将吓的直抖; 横批:一群疯狗 !!!! 一、中国足球队的整体表现: 进攻基本靠走; 传球基本靠瞅; 停球基本靠手; 过人基本靠吼; 防守基本靠搂; 射门基本没有; 吓的门将直抖; 就是一群疯狗。

二、国际足球比较: 1、停球 把球停到自己脚下10毫米的后卫,是巴西球员。 把球停到自己脚下10厘米的后卫,是西班牙球员。

把球停到自己脚下10分米的后卫,是德国球员。 把球停到自己脚下100米,并形成射门,迫使对方门将做出扑救的后卫,是中国球员。

2、传球 能够做出50米外精确长传,找到场上队友的球员,是英国球员。 能够做出5米内精巧二过一的球员,是阿根廷球员。

能够做出5米内短传传丢,并且后卫前锋隔着50米就玩二过一的球员,是中国球员。 3、球风 能够对裁判鼓掌的球员,是欧洲球员。

能够对裁判说脏话的球员,是南美球员。 能够对裁判吐口水和追打的球员,是中国球员。

4、踩单车 能够连踩8个单车,得到点球的球员,是巴西球员。 能够连踩3个单车,突入禁区助攻的球员,是葡萄牙球员。

能够连踩半个单车,把自己摔成骨折的球员,是中国球员。 5、体能 能够狂奔90分钟,面不改色的球员,是韩国球员。

能够奔跑90分钟,气喘吁吁的球员,是欧洲球员。 能够跑动90分钟,汗流浃背的球员,是南美球员。

能够散步90分钟,倒地抽筋的球员,是中国球员。 6、态度 巴林队球员踢完球,该上班的上班,该喂孩子的喂孩子,足球是他们的副业。

伊拉克球员踢完球,该拿AK的拿AK,该钻防空洞的钻防空洞,足球是他们的副业。 中国球员踢完球,该泡妞的泡妞,该吸毒的吸毒,足球是他们的副业…… 7、其他 珍爱生命,远离中国足球…… 中国男足应该代言避孕套去,怎么射都不进…… 当今社会四大害:地税、城管、超级女生、中国男足。

4.(足球)手抄报内容. 短的超短的



据不完全统计,现在世界上经常参加比赛的球队约80万支,登记注册的运动员约4000万人,其中职业运动员约10万人。 国际足联核准合格标准:足球周长介于 68.5厘米-69.5厘米之间。

国际足联核准合格标准: 足球重量介于420-445克之间。足球运动对抗性强,运动员在比赛中采用规则所允许的各种动作包括奔跑、急停、转身、倒地、跳跃、冲撞等,同对手进行激烈的争夺。

比赛时间长、观众多、竞赛场地大,是其他任何运动项目无法企及的。传统足球是20块正六边形(白)和12块正五边形(黑)一共32块皮组成 。


年龄段有u15,u17,u19 国奥组和成年组及青年组等。lz还需要叫我一声,我再打(字)采纳我吧。






一场精彩的足球比赛,吸引着成千上万的观众,它已成为电视节目中的重要内容,有关足球消息的报道,占据 比赛 着世界上各种报刊的篇幅,当今足球运动已成为人们生活中不可缺少的组成部分。据不完全统计,现在世界上经常参加比赛的球队约80万支,登记注册的运动员约4000万人,其中职业运动员约10万人。

国际足联核准合格标准:于 68.5厘米-69.5厘米之间 国际足联核准合格标准: 足球重量介于420-445克之间。 时代的足球 足球运动对抗性强,运动员在比赛中采用规则所允许的各种动作包括奔跑、急停、转身、倒地、跳跃、冲撞等,同对手进行激烈的争夺。

比赛时间长、观众多、竞赛场地大,是其他任何运动项目无法企及的。传统足球是20块正六边形(白)和12块正五边形(黑)一共32块皮组成 。


年龄段有u15,u17,u19 国奥组和成年组及青年组等。Football is a ball game played between two teams of eleven players, each attempting to win by scoring more goals than their opponent. Football is played predominantly with the feet, but players may use any part of their body except their hands and arms to propel the ball; the exceptions to this are the two goalkeepers, who are the only players allowed to handle the ball in the field of play, albeit with restrictions. The sport is also known by other names in some parts of the English-speaking world, usually soccer or association football. These names are often used to distinguish the game from other codes of football, since the word “football” may be used to refer to several quite different games. Football is played at a professional level all over the world, and millions of people regularly go to a football stadium to follow their favourite team, whilst millions more avidly watch the game on television. A very large number of people also play football at an amateur level. According to a survey conducted by Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), football’s governing body, published in the spring of 2001, over 240 million people regularly play football in more than 200 countries in every part of the world. Its simple rules and minimal equipment requirements have no doubt aided its spread and growth in popularity. In many parts of the world football evokes great passions and plays an important role in the life of individual fans, local communities, and even nations; it is therefore often claimed to be the most popular sport in the world。



Hello Everyone. Let me introduce the players of the team.

Huang is the goalkeeper. Zhang, Chen, Sun and Wang are defenders, and Zhang is on the left and Wang is on the right. The middle field players are Xiao, He, Peng and Sun. The two strikers are: Messi and C Ronaldo.

Of course there are substitution for every position.








1863年10月26日,英国人在伦敦皇后大街 弗里马森旅馆成立了世界第一个足球协会——英格兰足球协会。会上除了宣布英格兰足协正式成立之外,制定和通过了世界第一部较为统一的足球竞赛规则,并以文字形式记载下来。



英格兰足协的成立带动了欧洲和拉美一些 国家足球运动的蓬勃发展,1872年英格兰和苏格兰之间进行了历史上第一次协会间的比赛,1890的奥地利开始举办足球锦标赛,1889的荷兰和阿根廷出现了若干个足球组织,1900的西班牙巴塞罗那成立了“女泰罗尼亚”足球协会。这些发展,为创建国际性的足球组织创造了条件。 1904年5月21日,国际足球协会联合会(简称国际足联,英文缩写为FIFA)在法国巴黎圣奥诺雷街229号法国体育运动,协会联盟驻地的后楼正式成立,法国等7个国家的代表和代理人在有关文件上签了字。

