
1.用soulmate说一句含义深刻的句子 一个灵魂伴侣,就是一个我们感到自身与之深深联系在一起的人,好像彼此的沟通和交流不是出于凡人的刻意努力,而是凭借神的导引。 这种关系对于灵…



这种关系对于灵魂来说是如此重要,可以说没有什么在生活中比它更为珍贵的了。”Someone we feel deeply related to is a soulmate,the communication between us seems as a result of the guard of godness,instead of intentional struggle.So important it is to the soul of the relationship,in a matter of speaking,nothing is more precious in life。



Someone we feel deeply related to is a soulmate,the communication between us seems as a result of the guard of godness,instead of intentional struggle.So important it is to the soul of the relationship,in a matter of speaking,nothing is more precious in life.


Incompatible, it don’t matter though 水火不容,然而这不重要 ‘cos someone’s bound to hear my cry 因为必定有个人听到我的哭泣 Speak out if you do 若你是那个人就说出来吧 You’re not easy to find 你并不容易被找到 Is it possible Mr. Loveable 是真的吗,可爱的先生? Is already in my life? 已经在我生命中吗? Right in front of me Or maybe you’re in disguise 正在我面前吗? 或许你在伪装? Who doesn’t long for someone to hold 谁不渴望有个人可拥抱? Who knows how to love you without being told 不告诉我,天知道如何去爱你? Somebody tell me why I’m on my own If there’s a soulmate for everyone 有人问我 若确有真命天子,为何我仍独自一人? Here we are again, circles never end 人海茫茫又走到一起. 循环永不休止 How do I find the perfect fit 我怎样找到最理想合适的? There’s enough for everyone 对大家来说大概已足够.. But I’m still waiting in line 但我仍在等待著。. Most relationships seem so transitory 大多关系好像都是昙花一现 They’re all good 他们都短暂而美丽 but not the permanent one 却并不持久。


soulmate:精神伙伴、心灵伴侣、灵魂伴侣. 翻译成知己是正确的。



但是只能维持在这个距离。 蓝颜知己:对女人而言,指那种比朋友多一点,比情人少一点的关系。


soul mate 性情、志趣相投的人, 心心相印的伙伴,灵魂的伴侣的意思. 他(她)不一定要和你天天在一起.也不一定是你的爱人,但是你们心灵相通.能够想到一起去。



A soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soulmate, the one and only other half of one’s soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join. However, not everyone who uses these terms intends them to carry such mystical connotations.

来源:wikipedia 百科


A soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, the communication and touch on each other is made by the guide of the God but not the efforts of us. Such a relationship is so important to the soul. That’s say that there is nothing can replace it in our life.



灵魂伴侣 所谓灵魂伴侣,起源于希腊神话。在柏拉图《会饮篇》中,阿伽松(Agathon)举行了一场别具一格的“会饮”:既不饮酒也不要吹笛女,“用讨论问题来作为今晚的消遣”,“从左到右,每个人都尽力赞美爱神”。阿里斯托芬(Aristophones)讲了上古时代的一个神话故事:最初的人是球形的人,两个个体背靠背粘合在一起,有两张脸,八只手和脚,两副生殖器。宙斯和众神担心人类过于强大,不敬神灵,于是把球形的人劈成两半,所以“我们每个人都只是半个人”,“我们每个人都一直在寻求与自己相结合的另一半”。“爱是成就这种功德的神……使我们恢复原初状态,生活在快乐与幸福之中”。

