
1.求关于汽车的英文用语 电动窗: Dynamoelectric window:前翻驾驶室: Turned over the bridge house before:动力方向:Mo…


电动窗: Dynamoelectric window:前翻驾驶室: Turned over the bridge house before:动力方向:Motive direction:可调方向: Adjustable direction:排气制动: Row the spirit makes to move:双级消声器: The double class eliminates a machine:王档机械式: WANG2 DANG3’s machine type:双排标准: A row standard:单排标准:List row standard:双排加长: A row lengthen:单排加长:List the row lengthen:技术参数表: Technique parameter form:引擎排量: The engine row quantity:最大功率: Biggest power:最大扭距: Biggest twist to be apart from:排放标准: Exhaustion standard:前照灯:Shone on the light before:前位灯: A light:转向信号灯: Change direction the signal beacon:前大灯(含雾灯):Ex- headlight:( contain fog light)前转向灯:Changed direction the light before:前保险杠:Ex- insurance :选配:Choose to go together with:电动外后视镜:The dynamoelectric outside sees the mirror behind:前悬/后悬:Hang before/ hang behind:增压:Increase to press:轻轨:Light track:直列四缸涡轮增压:The array is four turbo:直列四缸tci中冷增压:Cold increase to press in four urns of tcis of array:直列四缸高压共轨:Four urns of tracks with total high pressure of array:锻造工字梁:Forge the work word beam:前盘制动:The ex- dish system move:前翻驾驶室:Turned over the bridge house before:高档面料:The upscale noodles anticipate:座椅可调方向:A direction with adjustable chair:。


1:where is the railway station? 车站在哪

2:can i stop over the way?我能中途下车么?

3:is it direct train?直通车么?


A: Where are you going to, Sir?

B: I’m going to 1234 Victoria Street.

A: Sure, get in. You’re new here?

B: Yeah, first time here.

A: I hope you like our city. Here we are. That’s ten fifty.

B: Here’s twelve dollars. Keep the rest.








A: Excuse me, does this bus go to U.B.C.?

B: No, Sir. This bus doesn’t go to U.B.C.

A: Could you tell me what’s the number of the bus toU.B.CB: You can take the No. 8 bus at here, and then,transfer to the No. 25 at Fraser Street. It can take you there.

A: Thank you.







first gear 一档 second gear 二档 reverse 倒车档 two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机 diesel 柴油机 limousine 豪华轿车 drophead 活动车篷汽车 racing car 赛车 saloon 轿车 roadster 敞蓬车 wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车 notchback 客货两用车 four-wheel drive 四轮驱动 front-wheel drive 前轮驱动 trailer 拖车 station wagon 小旅行车 truck 卡车 compact car 小型汽车 light-van 小型货车 garbage truck 垃圾车 automobile carrier 货运卡车 fire engine 消防车 tractor 牵引车 ambulance 救护车 taxi 出租车, 计程车 trailer truck 拖车 sports car 跑车 formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车 mail car 邮车 jeep 吉普车 bloodmobile 血浆车 bumper car 碰撞用汽车 camper 露营车 police car 警车 wrecker 清障车 ambulance 急救车 汽车驾驶 driver licence 驾驶执照 highway code 交通法规 traffic sign, road sign 交通标志 to accelerate 加速 to brake 制动,刹车 to engage the clutch 接上离合器 to declutch 分开离合器 to stall 发动机停转 to change gear 变速 to start up 起动 to put one’s foot down 加速 to overtake 向前行驶 to decelerate 减速 top speed 最高速度 speed limit 速度限制 to park 停车 car park 停车场 to switch off the motor 熄火 freeway 高速公路 toll road 收费公路 traffic jam 路障,堵车 汽车外设 front wheel 前轮 rear wheel 后轮 tread 轮距 chassis 底盘 bodywork, body 车身 rear window 后窗玻璃 windscreen 挡风玻璃 windscreen wiper 雨刮器 fender, wing, mudguard 挡泥板 radiator grille 水箱 wing mirror 后视镜 bonnet 发动机盖 boot 行李箱 roof rack, luggage rack 行李架 license plate, number plate 车号牌 wing 前翼子板 hubcap 轮毂罩 bumper 保险杠 front blinker 前信号灯 taillight, tail lamp 尾灯 backup light, reversing light 倒车灯 stoplight, stop lamp 刹车灯 rear blinker 转弯指示灯 trunk, boot 行李箱 bumper 保险杠 tailpipe 排气管 汽车内部 back seat, rear seat 后座 driver’s seat, driving seat 驾驶席 passenger seat 旅客席 steering wheel, wheel 方向盘 rear-view mirror, driving mirror 后视镜 horn, hooter 喇叭 choke 熄火装置 gear stick, gear change 变速杆 gearbox 变速箱 starter, self-starter 起动器,起动钮 brake pedal 刹车踏板 clutch pedal 离合器踏板 hand brake 手制动器 foot brake 脚制动器 dashboard 仪表板 milometer 里程表 speedometer, clock 速度表 transmission 传动 piston 活塞 radiator 散热器 fan belt 风扇皮带 shaft 传动轴 inner tube 内胎 drain tap 排气阀门 silencer 消音器 tank 油箱 overflow 溢流孔 valve 阀门 exhaust pipe 排气管 spare wheel 备胎,备用轮胎 carburettor 汽化器 汽车电气系统 electrical system, wiring 电气系统 lights 灯光 headlight 大灯,头灯 dipped headlight 近光灯 rear lights 尾灯 sidelights, parking lights 位置灯,边灯 direction indicator 方向标,转向标 indicator, blinker 方向指示灯 sparking plug 火花塞 (spare) battery (备用)蓄电池 汽车维修 insulating tape 绝缘胶带 jack 千斤顶 can, jerrican 油桶 fuel 燃油 petrol 汽油 oil 油料 lubrication, oiling 润滑油 antifreeze 防冻液 cooling water 冷却水 antiskid 防滑装置 tyre chain 防滑链 toolbox, tool kit 工具箱 crank 摇把 breakdown lorry, breakdown van 救援车辆 spare parts, spares 备件 dipstick 油尺 oil change 换油 to vulcanize 硫化 to inflate 充气 tyre pressure 轮胎气压 to fill the tank 加油 petrol pump 加油泵 pump, air pump 气泵 to adjust 整修 to recharge(charge) a battery 给蓄电池充电 to decoke 脱硫 breakdown 故障 mechanical failure 机械故障 repair shop 维修车间 to seize up 运转不畅 accident 事故 puncture, blowout 碰撞 patch 修补 to skid 打滑 to knock 发出撞击声 to tow, to take in tow 拖,拖曳 accident insurance 事故保险 insurance against theft 防盗保险 fully comprehensive insurance 全险 third-party insurance 第三方保险 您看这些够了吗 不够咱还有 希望能帮到您 祝开心。

4.急求,一个关于汽车方面的英文句子 哪位大侠能帮忙翻译下



Two concepts are possible.


Either a number of profiles can be stored in the non-volatile memory of the transmission control unit and the current driver is identified by its driver ID from a SmardKey.

一种方案是: 将若干用户资料储存在传输控制单元的非易失性存储器上。 传输控制单元通过读取存储在驾驶员SmartKey上的驾驶员ID, 就可以识别当前的驾驶员。

Or the profile is stored on a SmartCard that each driver takes with him/her.

另一种方案是: 将每一个驾驶员的资料分别存储在其随身携带的SmartCard中。

The latter solution offers the advantage that the

driver can transfer his/her individual profile to other vehicles.


5.关于 交通的简单英语句子

traffic light 交通信号灯

traffic police 交通警察

road 道路

car 汽车

train 火车

plane 飞机

boat 船

highway 公路/高速路

street 街道

Let’s get onto/get off the bus. 咱们上/下公共汽车吧。

Don’t cross the road when the traffic light turns red. 红灯时不要穿越马路。

Always follow the guidance of the traffic police. 永远要听从交通警察的指挥。

Let’s take a train/plane. 咱们去坐火车/飞机吧。


big,fuel-hungry vehicle = 高油耗汽车

General Motor = 美国通用汽车集团(GM)

Hummer division = 悍马公司分部

Chevy Volt = 雪佛兰沃蓝达车型

The Federal Highway Administration 美国联邦公路管理局

The American Pubulic Transportation Association = 美国公共运输协会/美国公共交通协会

The International Air Transport Association = 国际航空运输协会

Continental Airlines = 美国大陆航空公司

jet fuel = 飞机燃料/航空燃料/航油

record-high fuel = 这个感觉不是词组,楼主是不是从句子里直接拿出来的几个词,需要看整个句子才能有头绪哦。以下面句子为例:Record High Fuel Costs Require Matson to Raise Fuel Related Surcharge by Two Percentage Points.这个的意思是 高的燃油成本使MATSON公司不得不提高了2%的燃油费。

7.关于 交通的简单英语句子

traffic light 交通信号灯traffic police 交通警察road 道路car 汽车train 火车plane 飞机boat 船highway 公路/高速路street 街道Let’s get onto/get off the bus. 咱们上/下公共汽车吧。

Don’t cross the road when the traffic light turns red. 红灯时不要穿越马路。Always follow the guidance of the traffic police. 永远要听从交通警察的指挥。

Let’s take a train/plane. 咱们去坐火车/飞机吧。

